8,974 Cartons of Hard Drugs Worth N13billion Burnt as Kano Governor Supervises (Photo)

Governor Abdullahi Ganduje of Kano state on Wednesday led members of the state executive council and the state police commissioner to oversee the destruction of 8,974 cartons of hard and counterfeit drugs seized in the state.
The governor other officials at the burning of the drugs
Channels Television has reported that Kano State governor, Abdullahi Ganduje, on Wednesday, led the destruction of hard, fake and counterfeit drugs worth N31.8 billion  arrested by the Kano state police command.
The State Governor, the State Police Commissioner and members of the State Executive Council set ablaze about 8,974 cartons of hard drugs comprising cocaine, Indian hemp, and other intoxicating substances seized by the police at various occasions across Kano State.
Destroying the drugs, Governor Abdullahi Ganduje said he had directed the State Chief Judge and Grand Kadi to ensure that suspected drug dealers and addicts were prosecuted without fear or favour and in accordance with the law.
“Kano will not continue to be a dumping ground for drug dealers and addicts. Aggressive measures are being put in place to sweep Kano and to apprehend all drug dealers and addicts,” Governor Ganduje stressed.
The governor also urged youths to desist from dealing in drugs and key into government various empowerment programme, as there would be no hiding place for drugs dealers and addicts in the commercial city of Kano.
While briefing the Governor on the command’s activities in recent times, the State Police Commissioner, Musa Katsina, said the drugs seized comprise of 2,818 bags of Indian hemp, 11,399 compressed wraps of Spiro gyrations as well as different brand of other intoxicating substances.
The commissioner also told reporters that so far, 361 suspects were arrested and that 211 of them were charged and remanded in prison.




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