If we Dont Treat our own President with Respect how Would the International Community Treat or Respect him by JJ Otukpo
My mother told me a story long time ago before I came to Azare .. my mother worked in the bank, 1st Bank to be precise, she was the head of her department. One day my Grandmother, came to visit her in the bank.. My Garndmother was dressed to got the market not the bank. She was well presented, however she went over to visit my mother, when she came to the office, looking almost like a beggar my mother was very upset about her appearance but rather than showing it, she left her desk and came straight to the door, in full view of everybody in the bank, she knelt down to greet and receive my grandmother, when she did so, other workers left their desk to kneel and greet my grandmother.. My grand mother wore old clothes to visit the market ( not to dress flashy) but she branched to see her daughter .. she was treated like a beggar, till someone humbly gave her due respect .. My grandmother left the bank with the escort of a bank driver to drop her home.. I